What does the world cost? Oh well, then we'll just take a small coke.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Part Three: 'The Greatest Danger Could Be Your Stupidity'

I grew the nerve and asked Carrie out. She accepted. I am freaking. We are going out later this week. Any advice???


Anonymous said...

You're on your own, but good luck!

Anonymous said...

HA! Maybe you should go roller blading!

Anonymous said...

But what happened to Luce?

ReallyfunnyClassnotes said...

If you wait a while... RFCN is coming out with "tips for what to do on dates" soon. Be sure to check out RFCN soon.

Kat said...

Congrats! How exciting! As for the advice, just be yourself. : )

Katie Marie said...

How can you 'grow a nerve'? That's just weird.

Anonymous said...

what ever you do, DON'T SCHMOOZE HER!!!! most girls think it's disgusting when all a guy can talk about is how pretty she is and all this other stuff that winds up making absolutely no sense. my advice: watch the movie Hitch. it has some good dating advice, but unfortunately, it deserves it's pg13 rating. best of luck! (btw, who is this? just out of curiosity)

A City in Germany said...

@RFCN: Quit the blatant advertising. It's disgusting.

@FCN: You guys have gone through this sort of thing before. I say "sort" as you've never done exactly this, but enough to pull from past experience. I only have one thing to say:


As long as you abide by that one rule, you'll be fine.

Anonymous said...

Don't take her to a movie theater..
(Remember what happened the last time u did<>?)

Anonymous said...

something that girls really appreciate is chivalry. most guys these days almost never open the doors for their girls anymore, and it kinda sucks. so, when a girl sees that a guy is actually opening a door for her, she will probably be really impressed.

Anonymous said...

Yeah: don't do anything stupid!

Unknown said...

* points up and stifles laughter, ending up sounding like a soda can that was "all shook up" *

Anonymous said...

A:like i said, maybe you should build her a cake or something....

B:Luce is gonna be mad...

Anonymous said...

If you could postpone your date a few weeks, Mommy G is teaching a Biblical dating class. The info might be helpful to you.

Anonymous said...

Depends on what she likes. Dont do everything you like. Find a happy medium. Don't listen to RFCN. They find looks more important than beauty.

Anonymous said...

Here here Katie Marie...just remember don't mess up!!! Just repeat that in your mind as you interact with her.

Anonymous said...

Yeah...that's a good tip for life. "Just don't mess up" * says sarcastically * Those are REALLY encouraging words I get a lot from my friends and family... =P

Anonymous said...


Contrary to the homeschooling propoganda, you probably aren't going to marry her and father twelve of her children. So have fun, be yourself, and get to know the girl.

Anonymous said...

oh, and whatever you do, don't be yourself or you'll turn her off FOREVER!