Friday, November 10, 2006

Are you an Athlete or a Sports Fan?

One reader sent us this insightful comparison...

Athletes study the playbook (Ps. 119:160)
Sports fans study the sports section (Prov. 14:12)

Athletes trust their coach (Ps. 32:8; II Pet. 1:3)
Sports fans trust talk radio (Micah 7:5, 6)

Athletes are recognized by performance (Dan. 11:32)
Sports fans are recognized by team garb (I Sam. 16:7)

Athletes value training (Heb. 12:11)
Sports fans value cable (Ec. 2:10)

Athletes step onto the field (I Sam. 17:40)
Sports fans stay on the couch (Prov. 24:30)

Athletes gather for a purpose (I Cor. 14:26)
Sports fans gather for a show (Is. 5:12)

Athletes experience sore muscles (Prov. 20: 30)
Sports fans experience spare tires (Prov. 26:14)

Athletes collect strength (Ps. 18:39)
Sports fans collect memorabilia (Matt. 25:24-30)

Athletes run marathons (Dan. 11:32)
Sports fans run to the bathroom (Matt. 25:1-13)

Athletes are crowned victorious (I Thess. 2:19)
Sports fans are crowned with spilled beer (Ps. 28:19)


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