Wednesday, December 06, 2006


A recent post about the 1 month anniversary of LLFCN had two notable errors:

First, yesterday was not the 1 month anniversary. Today is.

Second, LLFCN does not have one hundred and forty-three members. To be honest, we only have one.

We realize that this is the second time in as many weeks that Funny Class Notes has had to make a severe retraction/correction/apology, and we also realize this puts us in the Very Unreliable category. In fact, it puts in the Shameless Liars category.

But we also want to say that we know we've been bad, and we are really, really sorry about it. We wouldn't blame you if you closed this window right now and walked away from FCN forever. And we realize you have no reason to trust us when we say this, but from now on, we're committed to greater transparency and accountability with our posting. Starting today, for instance, we will have a public hit counter so it will be impossible to lie about our traffic.

Again, we want to stress that we are really, extremely, super-sorry. We've been bad little boys and we promise not to do it again if you give us one last chance.

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