Sunday, December 03, 2006

Every day is...

Ronald Reagan once said that Republicans think every day is July 4th and Democrats think every day is April 15th. We agree wholeheartedly. But, in typical FCN fashion, we feel the need to expand a little. Here's what our team came up with:

Republicans think every day is July 4th

Democrats think every day is April 15th

Green Party members think every day is October 31st

White people think every day is Columbus Day.

Black people think every day is Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

New agers think every day is New Years.

Christians think every day is Easter.

Calvary Chapel members think every day is the last day.

President Bush thinks every day is President's Day.

Indians always think it's the anniversary of Little Big Horn.

John Kerry thinks every day is Veterans Day.

The folks at Butter Ball think every day is Thanksgiving.

Nancy Pelosi thinks every day is Election Day.

Kim Jong Ill thinks every day is the Day After Tomorrow.

Dr. Neil Clark Warren thinks every day is Valentines Day.

Bill Gates thinks every day is payday.

The Pope thinks every day is All Saints Day.

Rednecks think every day is the 1st of September.

The Spanish think every day is the day before tomorrow.

The British think every day never ends.

Coyotes think every day is a full moon.

Dogs don't care what day it is.

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