Monday, December 18, 2006

FCN New Year Writing Contest

Think you can do better us? Here's you chance to show off your note-taking skills in the annual FCN New Year Writing Contest. Here's the requirements.

1. Needs to be funny.
2. 100,000 words or less.
3. Please send in by 12:00 AM, December 31.
4. Needs to be funny.
5. Please send to

The winner of the contest will receive a free LLFCN membership and have their notes appear as the first post of 2007.

UPDATE: In response to an anonymous commenter, we absolutely welcome anonymous notes. You can even make up a new email account and send us your writing from the sheltered seclusion of perfect cyber-anonymity. But you don't have too. If you don't want us to tell, we won't. Your secret is safe with us.