Monday, January 01, 2007

New Look for the New Year

Anyone think the new template will actually last the next three hundred and sixty-five days? 'Cause I sure don't. This change is the result of FCN's first mid-life crisis (how many six-month olds do you know who have had a mid-life crisis, eh?) and we are all just fortunate nobody got hurt in the change.

Here's what we did:

1) Navbar is a new color. w00t!

2) Template was changed to lose the blue flower-like thingies on the top that made FCN look like some kind of hippie worship outpost. In its stead is a bluish-green block with rounded edges that is just asking for a joke; if only this post-New Year's Eve party mind could quite conjure one up.

3) Bubbles! The side-bar is now split into two completely arbitrary bubbles. Enjoy them; you never know how long they will last. In fact, I am already getting tired of them.

4) Backlinks. Now if anyone links to an FCN note (and Google is so kind as to index said link), that kind gesture will be registered as a backlink on this page. This is all theoretical, of course, because nobody has ever linked. If it ever happens, we'll be prepared. We think.

Some posts have reacted less than brilliantly to the change. We will be doing some housekeeping to get everything to its normal peachy state.

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