Monday, March 05, 2007

Honesty Quiz Was a Lie

It's true. We lied.

We at FCN really, really wanted to have an Honesty quiz. We really, really worked on it. But when the time came to post, we found ourselves empty-handed. We didn't have anything worthwhile to give you, the FCN reader.

So we did the only thing any self-respecting FCN writer would do. We lied through our teeth. We made something up. In a poetic irony (or maybe it's something else; I got a C- on English 1A), we lied to you about honesty.

The test is quite simple. It presents a series of twenty statements. Agreeing with self-elavating statements (like "I tend to be punctual" or "I eat my vegetables") increases your dishonest rating. Agreeing with self-deprecating statements (like: "I pirate stuff online" or "I read FCN regularly") increases your honesty rating. There might be something to it, but it most certainly is not scientific.

Below is the original quiz announcement, edited for accuracy:

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, it gives us great pleasure to unveil to public consumption for the first time the FCN Honesty Test. It ... [comes after] extensive testing in the FCN labs in which dozens of rats were brutally murdered. I mean, they didn't just die, they died slowly and painfully, screaming for mercy as they writhed on the table. Their deaths were ... in vain ...

To find an ... evaluation ... simply answer the 20 questions at ... ... [W]e're cheap ...

Two quick warnings: first, the percentages of honest and dishonest may not add up to 100 ... [We are] dishonest ... It's all very [simple].

Second ... it won't do you any good ...

1 comment:

  1. Aw, you poor guys. You're granted forgivness for being so dishonest, though I can't say that you weren't seen right through from the beginning.

    The truth is none of us really believed the honesty quiz. Sure, we took the quiz, eager to do anything as an attempt to raise personal ego. But did we really think that FCN, of all groups, could deduce the honesty of soul? No. Flat out no. Everybody knows FNC should never be trusted. FNC should only be read with extreme caution. I learned that moons ago...
