Sunday, April 01, 2007

The End of FCN

We are saddened to announce that, effective tomorrow, Funny Class Notes will be shutting down. Our site will be eliminated, torn from the internet, scrubbed from the web, kaput. There will be no more Funny Class Notes; the drab oblong diatribes of the DailyKos will be the only palatable humor in the blogosphere. That's right, we are going away.

If you've followed us as authors for any period of time, you will understand that we lead very busy lives and probably have a decent excuse for shutting down a humor blog, even if it has garnered a following of five readers. But we aren't quitting because we don't have time to write; we're quitting because we don't have anything to write. That's right, we are plum out of ideas. We're drier than Nancy Pelosi counting roll. We've reached the bottom of the barrel, the end of the road, the last lizard in the zoo. To top it off, Holly doesn't like us.

It's been a wonderful journey, through the social critiques, expert advice, sports reports, generalizations, lame jokes, life tips, episodes of the Desperate Student, and true stories. We've come a long way since we were founded back in 1821, including moving through 4 google pages accounts, the last of which had a reader. We will miss every unwritten word that calls to us during our classes, and every eloquent response that we never read. We will even miss the ineloquent and insulting comments, some of which were awesome in a piquesh sort of way.

That said, Daniel has one more thing he wants to write before we do shut it down and I'd hate to pull the rug out from under him and remove his audience. Check back in tomorrow for the final bow of FCN and our last ever post. 'Till then, so long, farewell and I bid you all adieu (which is French for "you have beautiful eyes").

It's been a great year, and we wish all five of you the very best.

We love you guys,

The FCN Team

PS. Don't forget to delete your bookmarks!


  1. I have never known you guys to be at a loss for words. In other words, I refuse to believe that you have nothing to say.

  2. This is all Holly's fault... ;)

  3. * screams *

    You guys! You can't shut down FCN! I am going to die!!!!!!

    Wait a minute, this is just another one of your jokes, right? * stops screaming, laughs at self, and is comforted *

  4. I am aware that today is April Fools day, so I don't believe a word of this. And I know you guys have chasms of creativeness in your craniums, so I'm sure you aren't actually plum out of ideas.

    As far as your comment about me not liking you...

    NOOOOO!!! I DO like you! I love you guys! I was kidding about not reading FCN because you guys were making up evil video games about me! I believe we did clarify at the end that I was kidding about that and was sorry for saying it anyway! You falsely accuse me. And I'm now taking blame for your demise. That burns me. That burns me right here --> <3. (My heart...or 'three is less than an arrow pointing at it'...give 'r take)

    FCN has made me happy when skies are gray, you'll never know [dear] how much I love it. Please don't take my FCN away :'(

  5. Uhh...this has to be a joke. I've seen way to many blog jokes such as this on April Fools day!

  6. Anonymous said...
    "This is all Holly's fault... ;)"

    Yeah yeah, keep smiling anonymous person.

  7. Seriously, since when have any of the Herche Boys or their friends ever had nothing to say? Does that even remotely make sense? This is a very obvious April Fools Day Joke.

  8. oh dear...I was fooled until I read the comments. *Mutters about April Fools Day needing to be outlawed*

  9. No, I don't think that this is neccisarily Hol's fault....Maybe Halo True-Jello's fault, but never Holly's....

    BTW, I'll see you all tomorrow...AFTER April Fool's Day.

  10. Hahaha, you're kidding, RIGHT?
    If you aren't, where am I going to find my laughs, anymore?

  11. I have to be the most gullible debater of all time. I have a technical and detail oriented mind...unless im in public, in which case i'm the most gullibe person you can meet.

