Friday, June 01, 2007

10 Fun Things To Do This Weekend

Have a spare moment during the next few days and void of any cool ideas? Have a hot date but nothing do do? Try these...

1. Make a threatening video.

2. Slip Emergen-C into Lindsay Lohan's snuff box.

3. Globe trot with a highly contagious strain of Tuberculosis.

4. Crash Cindy Sheehan's going away party.

5. Boo a Mexican.

6. Hug a Ginsburg.

7. Take a virtual stroll down Broadway.

8. Catch the game on Hugo Chavez's big screen.

9. Make fun of “Stray-Rod.”

10. Buy some spicy eye wash.


  1. #2 opened up some amazing possibilities in my personal life. I'm forever indebted.

  2. Umm, are you guys sure you didn't offend Mommy G by ruining her house? She hasn't commented in a long time...

  3. I think I'll do #2 and #10!
    dont think I will use the eyewash... ya, that opened some "nice" possibilities in my life too.

  4. #2 is the best Idea. Ever.
    #3 sounds purty good to...

  5. Mommy g still present and accounted for! Thanks for your concern, concerned reader. Finally posted yesterday on Desperate Student. I'm just behind on my reading.
