Thursday, August 23, 2007

Coke, Glorious Coke

To be sung to the tune of Food, Glorious Food, from Oliver Twist.

Is it worth the waiting for?
If we live 'til eighty four
All we ever get is wa...ter!
Ev'ry day an empty fridge --
Will they change our beverage?
Still we get the same old wa...ter!
There is not a can, not a bottle can we find,
Can we beg, can we borrow, or cadge,
But there's nothing to stop us from getting a thrill
When we all close our eyes and imag...ine

Coke, glorious Coke!
Brown sugar and caffeine!
Ready to provoke --
Sudden uncontrolled laughing!
I'll have it with any meal!
Canned, bottled or poured!
Beg, borrow, buy, or steal --

Coke, glorious Coke!
We're anxious to drink it.
Three liters a day --
Our favourite diet!

Just picture an eighteen pack --
Buying till we're broke!
Oh, Coke,
Wonderful Coke,
Marvellous Coke,
Glorious Coke.

Coke, glorious Coke!
What is there more handsome?
Gulped, swallowed or choked --
Still worth a king's ransom.
What is it we dream about?
What brings on a sigh?
Foaming goodness, piled about
Six cans high!

Coke, glorious coke!
In the back of the menu.
Just open your mouth
For the straw and then you
Work up a new appetite.
Helped me when I woke --
The Coke,
Once again, Coke
Fabulous Coke,
Glorious Coke.

Coke, glorious Coke!
Don't care what it looks like --
Too foamy!
Don't care what the cup's like.
Just thinking of passing out --
Our senses go reeling
One moment of knowing that
Coked-up feeling!

Coke, glorious Coke!
What wouldn't we give for
One extra soak --
That's all that we live for
Why should we be fated to
Do nothing but joke
About Coke,
Magical Coke,
Wonderful Coke,
Marvellous Coke,
Fabulous Coke,

Beautiful Coke ...

Glorious Coke!


  1. I was pretty sure this was coming, seeing your status yesterday....

    LOL...Good one.

  2. I don't know about all that stuff. I do know, however, that real men only drink professional grade coffee from Peet's.

  3. I thought "food, glorious food" was off ice age 2

  4. Let me guess... this was written by Travis after he drank over 10 cokes in a day?
