Thursday, September 27, 2007

TheS paceb arT ypo

Whent ypingq uickly,i ti se asyt od epresst hes paceb ara tt hew rongm oment.I na nyones entence,t hes paceb arm ayb ep resseda s manya st ent of ifteent imes.T hef astert het yperm ovesh isf ingers,t hem orep recises heh ast ob ew itht hes paceb ar.I fs hem akesa m istaket her esultl ooksl iket hisp osta ndi sc onsequentlyd ifficultt or ead.

Thoseo fy oui nt hef aithfulF CNf eww hos peedr eado na r egularb asisw ill,h owever,h aven op roblemk eepingu pw itht hee rror.


  1. Here's a comment from a committed reader who really appreciates the quality, clean humor that FCN is able to consistently crank out. Props to you guys and keep up the awesome work!

  2. Hurrah! If nallyr eadt hatt houghi t tookm ea bitt odos o.

  3. you guys just have WAY too much time on your hands.

  4. For those of you who had trouble reading the post to the amount that it can be translated: When typing quickly,it is easy to depress the space bar at the wrong moment.In anyone sentence,the space bar may be pressed as many as ten to fifteen times.The faster the typer moves his fingers,the more precise she has to be with the space bar.If she makes a mistake the result looks like this post and is consequently difficult to read.Those of you in the faithful FCN few who speed read on are gular basis will,however,have no problem keeping up with the error.

  5. Above anonymous:
    You made some spacing errors yourself, there.
    "When typing quickly, it is easy to depress the space bar at the wrong moment. In any one sentence, the space bar may be pressed as many as ten to fifteen times. The faster the typer moves his fingers, the more precise she has to be with the space bar. If she makes a mistake the result looks like this post and is consequently difficult to read. Those of you in the faithful FCN few who speed read on a regular basis will, however, have no problem keeping up with the error."

    Interesting--it switches between a male and female typist over the course of one sentence.
