Monday, October 22, 2007

The Brow Documents

FCN recently received the following email:

Dear FCN,

It has been brought to my attention that 2/3rds of FCN staff edit their eyebrows, as result of their teasing by someone who had purple hair, to which the retort was, "Oh yeah? Well, I don't have one eyebrow."
Out of curiosity, I would like to know three things (feel free to embellish with as many lies as you want…I think it makes the stories more interesting).

1. The real (or completely hammed) story behind the unibrow
2. How long the F of FCN plans to leave his hair the way it is (including facial hair!) and how he decided to bring it to that state

3. If any of the FCN staff has experimented with electrical nose hair trimmers, and the resulting experiences (I've heard that they tickle).

Lady Éowyn

This email may have been more dead-on that its author intended. The fact is, all three of us trim. The story is an intensely complex issue - very close to all of our hearts. But we decided to bare our souls and expose ourselves to a short video documentary by an objective interviewer so we could tell our stories (the first video production from FCN since the Minnie the Moocher music video). At the last minute, C backed out of the operation, but F and N pressed on and created the video, which can be found here, which for those of you who don't click on things, is:



  1. Guys, I have a suggestion. The method for aquiring supremely shaped eyebrows is waxing. It is both painful and uncomfortable, but it leaves two incredibly beautiful brows.

  2. That was great. :D

    My little sister's comment, after watching it: "Is that true?" :P

  3. you boys really shouldn't be doing can mess up your life.

  4. That was great! You guys did an awesome job, as always. The acting was very good. Great job everybody!

  5. Well, at least it's all out in the open. Maybe you all can sleep better at night...

  6. Complete hilarity!

    Although, I'm not sure if that was awesome or really really sad.

  7. that was probably really good, but my stupid 'puter only showed, like, 11 seconds of it. bummer! the accent was great, btw. lol.

  8. okay, well....ummm...I don't know. Totally speechless.

  9. I think that there should have been credits, you know. Camera men etc.

  10. Haha. :D That's comedic.

  11. To Batman: You should get a PC then.

  12. WHAT?!?!?1 NEVER!!!!!! (I finally got the silly thing to work, btw. Loved the vid.)

  13. How much money did the "C" of this outfit pay to keep his addiction confidential?

  14. OMG!!! ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, i thot it wuz HILARIOUS!!! Idt i've ever laughed sooooo hard in a long time :0) it wuz GREAT =D and i hate 2 break it 2 u, but there is NO easy way 2 have perfect eyebrows without it beauty is pain <3 and, u dont no me, but i'm a friend of claire stevens :*) Jesus loves U!!!!
