Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Life Tip #42

Don't text votes for yourself in an online beauty contest in an effort to win a little over $200 worth of makeup.

If you must text votes for yourself in an effort to win a little over $200 worth of makeup, don't spend $2,384.54 sending nearly 2,000 text messages.

If you must spend $2,384.54 to text nearly 2,000 votes for yourself in an effort to win a little over $200 worth of makeup, win the contest.


  1. Another reason for closing down "our" public schools:
    Math Illiteracy

  2. what about LIFE illiteracy? c'mon! public schools do not educate, they are basically daycare centers where children's minds are horribly perverted and the government is payed millions. quite pathetic, really.
