Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Life Tip #53

Don't get a girlfriend who will crash your car.

If you do get a girlfriend who will crash your car, don't give her the keys.

If you get a girlfriend who will crash your car and give her the keys and see the crash while riding in a passing bus, don't try to commandeer the bus.

If you get a girlfriend who will crash your car and give her the keys and see the crash while riding in a passing bus and try to commandeer the bus, don't crash the bus.


  1. some people just don't get it...

  2. in this case, i think the bus driver didn't get it.

  3. wow. that's all i can say.

    (you guys still haven't figured out that a life tip doesn't count, have you? And posting a "note to self" in the same day only adds insult to injury.)

  4. thanks! i'll try to remember that!
