Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Life Tip # 54

Don't steal purses from little old ladies.

If you do steal a little old lady's purse, don't do it in the middle of a crowded mall.

If you do steal a little old lady's purse in the middle of a crowded mall, don't run to your truck parked right in view of the security cameras.

If you do steal a little old lady's purse in the middle of a crowded mall and run to your truck parked right in the view of the security cameras, make sure your vehicle has fuel.


  1. it still amazes me how truly dumb some people can be... lol.

    You guys still know that this doesn't count for a day's post, don't you?

  2. I've always wondered why so many old ladies are little. Is it just for alliteration's sake, or is there some sort of scientific law?
