Monday, April 07, 2008

FCN's Golden Age has ended!

The hijacker relinquished full control of FCN back to us yesterday, much to our dismay. We got down on our knees and begged him/her to stay. "Please don't go," we said. We said it just like that. We used those very words. Alas, they were to no effect. He/she insisted on leaving, so we're back, and we have to come up with content again.


We know there were some pretty harsh things said about the hijacker. He/she was accused of being unoriginal, pandering, and dull. We would come out and say this was hogwash, but we don't want to disagree with a reader publicly. So we'll say that, while this may be true, there are other angles from which to approach the situation that may lead to seeing the facts in a different light.

We think - no, we declare - that the hijacker's short tenure represented FCN's Golden Age. With a legacy of intellectually stimulating and entertaining posts on a range of relevant topics, this hijacker is leaving not in shame, but to rest on his/her laurels, satisfied with a week well run.

So now we have to plod on alone, as we've been doing for a year or two, depending on how you measure it. We don't even know what we'll do for you guys tomorrow. Maybe we'll sing a song. We'll see.

People like the hijacker, who presumably has a personal blog elsewhere, are the reason FCN is still more than 78 million years away from global domination. We don't mind the wait. We're in very good company.


  1. i'm sorry you guys feel that way.

    if it makes you feel any better, the hijacker only posted one post of what could be called "content." the rest were all information about the hijacking.

    anyway, i'm glad the regular content is back, i missed it.

    welcome home, dudes.

  2. Congratulations on your reconquista. The hijacker was good, but at least you have a little more fashion sense.

    I will now check Google reader with more zest than ever.

  3. Hey guys, I'm glad you dumped the hijacker. Want a free lunch?

  4. well, I think you guys took that april fools' joke too far. I think there was no need to take it that far. YOu could have just come up with a funny post to respond to getting called out. Oh well, at least you gave it up, and I'm glad because the hijacker comment really sucked. (except for the sideburn post, that was good)

  5. I am really quite puzzled my self as to why so many people got bored/angry at the hijacker.
    People must have amazingly dull lives to get bored of something so quickly. Ah well, I must return to my thermals homework

  6. Well, all I can say is that I'm glad you got the regular grey background back... The pink green and gray REALLY freaked me out. Anywho... The hijacker was pretty funny though. Oh well. Ta-ta, Gold Age.

  7. big mo is more like a big party pooper. thank you, though, hijacker for returning fcn to the rightful let's get on to life. I am officially removing the yellow ribbons from my computer. welcome home!

  8. I didn't notice a whole lot of difference in funniness between the hijacker's posts and FCN's posts. Probably because I don't think its that funny anyway...


  9. what did i say that was party pooper-ish?

    i'm confused...

    i apologize if i offended anyone, it was not my intent.

  10. Your fine big mo

  11. FCN, you might think about actually getting a life, and writing about that... but, what do I know? I agree with guitarbob, you guys did take the joke a little bit far... maybe tomorrow's post could be admitting that you hijacked your own blog.

  12. Thanks for reverting back to the original configuration. My epileptic seizures have since calmed down...

  13. I am soooo glad you guys are back. I've been avoiding this thing like the plague until I found out you be here!!! (forgive the bad english)
