Saturday, April 19, 2008

Life Tip #66

Do not get into a fight with your wife, especially if she has had a few.

If you must get into a fight with your inebriated wife, do not do so at your mother's house.

If you must get into a fight with your inebriated wife at your mother's house and she tries to drive away, let her go.

If if you must get into a fight with your inebriated wife at your mother's house and chase your wife as she drives away, do not get on the hood of the car to stop her.

If if you must get into a fight with your inebriated wife at your mother's house and chase your wife as she drives away and get on the hood of her car to stop her, get off before she merges onto a major freeway.


  1. Hmmm... perhaps he should get an award for "dumbest way to attempt to stop a car". The trophy could be a giant gilded body cast.

