Thursday, April 03, 2008

Unveiling FCN's Makeover

One of the benefits of hijacking a site is having access to all of that site's owners' information. For instance, I now know who F's secret crushes are, how many times C has gotten a speeding ticket, and why N won't tell anyone how he earned money last summer.

Another thing I learned is who they hired to redesign the website and how much they paid for the redesign. Unfortunately for FCN, the "designer" they hired actually used a standard template from Blogger, one FCN could have gotten for free.

Personally, I think the new design is heinous. But since that is what FCN decided to go for, who am I to stand in the way?

So, even though you've probably already noticed the new template gracing this site, without further ado, I would like to unveil:


The NEW Funny Class Notes!

No longer drab, boring, or un-cool, the new FCN is setting the trend for hip blog decor. No longer sporting last millenium's idea of web design, the new FCN is paving the road into the next year, the next decade, and the next century! (We would say the next millenium but that would seem too presumptive.)


Well, I hope all of you faithful few (and the faithless many) like this new design. For my own part, I might be prevailed on to give up this blog sooner than I planned, just so I don't have to look at it.

Oh, and FCN, don't you think that $57 would have been better spent bribing me to keep quiet about, you know, your secrets?


  1. head, meet wall.

    get back to the normal content, guys, this hijacking thing is ...

    head, meet desk.

  2. Antacid tablets. Yes. That's what the new look reminds me of! I knew there was some reason I felt ill.

  3. I agree with mo, this isn't terribly funny. The first post was humerous, but the posts aren't funny anymore. Go back to the good old FCN.

  4. Lame!!! You keep this up another day and I'll make an RFCN post about it!

    Btw did you guys see our last post?

  5. I like how the hijacker uses the first person for most of the post and then switches over to third.

    Quote: "We would say the next millenium but that would seem too presumptive."

    Kinda makes me wonder whether or not FCN IS FAKING IT.

  6. AUGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH! I just went insane looking at your site. Please - give your hijacker what he wants....cookies!??? All guys LOVE cookies! Give him cookies and put us out of our misery. I can't keep myself from checking up on this blog to see when the drama might end. Mr. H - if you don't want cookies at least put an end to this particular template. My 4 year old sister can do better than this!!! Greyandblackwhereareyou?

  7. they're totally faking it because they are lacking in inspiration. FCN, you guys have thoroughly beaten the joke to death with a hockey stick; feel free to get back to normal. (I'm liking the new layout, though. the background could use some flowers)

  8. The chances that you'll get another nomination for Blogger's choice award are steadily slimming.... Making half your your few readers bored/angry is not the way to get nominated again. (or to get more readers) (or to keep your readers)

  9. wow, dudes, there's totally been a firestorm started here.

    now... can we bring back good ol' f, c, and n and the nice grey and black look?

    pretty please with chocolate chip cookies?

  10. Dear hacker,
    I like it!
    The new design does not quite have it, but it is almost there. The gray needs to be replaced.
    And, hacker, I like you. Please do not leave me.

  11. The best part about the new site is how unexpected it is. Let's face it: those three letters can get in a rut. Thank you, Hijacker, for the ugly green and pink.

  12. My two favorite colors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    FCN just come back.
    You are going to lose all your readers to RFCN.
    That is where I'm going now...

  13. Dear FCN,
    I would like to write how great you guys are. You are so much better than RFCN.

  14. Anonymous, when I - allegedly - switched between singular and plural first person (NOT first and third, as you said) it was because I was quoting the real FCN. When I referred to myself, I used singular; when I was quoting the real FCN, it was, of course, plural. Hope that clears it up for you, and you might want to brush up on your grammar.

  15. This is definitely getting very old, very quickly. The idea was interesting in the beginning, however- if that's any consolation. :D

  16. really, sarah? for me, I can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring. hijacker...why don't you post a photo of yourself? give hints? something....

  17. Oh, and the rounded corners are great. I don't know what all these people who say the hijacker thing is getting old are talking about.

  18. Dear Hacker,
    I also want to see your picture

  19. personally, i like the original content. the hacker thing has changed this from a humor blog to a inside-joke blog.

    but... in the spirit of things, i'll add my voice to the requests for a picture of the alleged hacker.

  20. The link color is so garish, I can not read them. The just look like bright orange blobs plus the hidden message was a let down. Come on Hacker you can do better!

  21. There are as many views about you as illegal immigration Mr/Mrs. Hacker

  22. ooh, maybe the hacker IS an illegal immigrant!!! that would be funny (not to be racist or biased or anything)

  23. See, the links are fixed now.

  24. And yes, that was soo racist...

  25. I am so glad your sideburns grow so fast...I LOVED them in the photo you need to repost.

    Illegal alien??? Try political prisoner!!! of which there a many living in California....suffering righteously as conservatives.
