Thursday, July 17, 2008

Life Tip #75

Do not drive under the influence.

If you must drive under the influence, learn not to by the time you're 74 years old.

If you must drive under the influence at 74 years old, do not go crashing through the front of a grocery store.

If you must drive under the influence and crash through the front of a grocery store at 74 years of age, do not get out and try to buy a beer from that store.


  1. Is it just me, or is FCN getting progressively lamer? you guys might as well just change the name to C, because he's the only one who posts anymore. it's getting kind of boring.

  2. If that's true, I want to express my support and encouragement to C. He is successfully managing to keep up this blog when both his partners have given up. There are too many similar bloggers on the internet who commit to posting however often and are only consistent in their failures. I still think you're Funny Class Notes.

  3. Hmm... just being "class" doesn't make a whole lot of sense. It makes it sound like a social commentary blog or something... wait...
