Friday, November 28, 2008

13375p34|< (leetspeak)

+|-|1$ |*0$+ \X/@$ \X/|21++3|\| 1|\| |33+, @ |-|@(|<3|2 style=""> 1|= `/0|_| @|23 +|-|1|\||<1|\|6>

|33+ 1$ 0|\||`/ |=0|2 +|2|_|3 (0|\/||*|_|+3|2 |*30|*|3; +0 3\/3|2`/0|\|3 3|$3 1+ 1$ (3|\|$0|2$|-|1|*; $0 \X/|-|`/ @|23 `/0|_| 3><|*3|\|[)1|\|6 +|-|3 3|=|=0|2+?

0|-| \X/3||. 1|= `/0|_|’\/3 60++3|\| +|-|1$ |=@|2 `/0|_| |\/|@`/ @$ \X/3|| |=|0@+ +0 +|-|3 |=1|\|1$|-|. +|-|@+ \X/@$|\|’+ $0 |-|@|2[), \X/@$ 1+?


  1. |_0|_ 1 |?3@|) 7#3 \X/#0|_3 7#1|\|6

  2. whoa, sensor ur pic, d00d

  3. And I just spent ten minutes deciphering that. I think I'll go die now.

    Seriously, FCN is now rivaling Facebook in distract-one-from-one's-paper material.

  4. 1 G0+ @$ |=@|2 @$ `/0|\|3, @|\||) 1 (0|_|||) |\|0+ |23@|) 1+ |*@$+ +|-|@+. I could probably be able to read past that, but everything after that word did not make any sense. One thing I find interesting about leetspeak is that you are more careful with typing your words tan you are id you typ in regulr english.

  5. Excuse me for making some critical errors, but now I can correct those and say some other things. For one i just figured out why it said "yone," because it is actually part of "everyone." What would be extremely useful is if you had a font in leetspeak on a word document, so you could simply type "hi" on it, and it would come out as "|-|1."

  6. this post was written in leet, at hacker style if you are thinking leet is only for true computer people; to everyone else it is censorship; so why are you expending the effort? oh well. if you’ve gotten this far you may as well float to the finish. that wasn’t so hard, was it?
