Friday, December 19, 2008

Blogging Contest!

FCN now has six contributors and all of us are out of school for the Christmas break (that's "xmas" for all of you reading this on your iPhones). We are happy to be on vacation, down from the ivory tower and back in the real world with the rest of normal America. But with the respite from classes, grades and examinations comes a great deal of free time -- free time which is not always put to the most productive use. Free time which makes the six of us feel cooped up and antsy and causes us to grate on one another, forming wounds that turn painful because they can't scab because of the constant grating.

I am finally getting to understand why J. Lo divorced Ojani Noa (hubby #1) so quickly. I think I know why Bernard Madoff was finally double-crossed by his sons. I comprehend Eve's thinking when she ate the apple.

This pressurized tank needs a release valve.

We did this once before and it resulted in two painful posts and one stroke of unadulterated brilliance.

Over the weekend, a theme for the upcoming FCN writing contest will be selected. On Monday, F will post his take on the theme. He'll be followed by, in order: N, Chip, Jessica, Ana and C. If any reader class notes are submitted, they'll come at the end. When all of us have put up our best efforts, we'll make a really gaudy poll and ask you, the faithful few, to select the contributor who wrote the best treatment of the theme.

Sounds simple, right? And very American.

But we're going to make it even MORE American by letting you, our readers, decide the theme. How awesome is that? Extremely awesome. Get your Free Speech on by commenting below with the topic you think we should use for our contest.

Possible examples: War, Love, Donuts, Blogging, Buying a Car, Ear Pressure at High Altitudes, Mouse Traps, Existentialism ...


  1. I would have to suggest the topic should be "Homeschool Band Concerts"

  2. Please explain your understanding of the other sex - I find these posts amusing, entertaining, and enlightening.

  3. Topic: Existential Donuts.

  4. Considering the season, I'd have to say Christmas!

  5. Irons, shoe polish, or your worst cooking disaster.

  6. Two choices:

    Your understanding of the opposite sex, as Anonymous said...

    Or, Love and Romance, my own personal originality.

  7. do the blog contest on technology!

  8. Hey, forget mine! I agree with Christopher. --^

  9. Cooking disasters are the way to go.

    But how about Johnny Appleseed? Lots of room for politics there...or am I the only weird one that sees potential there?

  10. Twilight.

    Because it is just begging to be done. You've written about Zombies, now it's time for sparkly vampires.

  11. Oooooo, good one Beanbag.

  12. Buying a car. those are always funny. ya wreck the car on a test drive, ram a tree, and always make it into a disaster! ho ho ho. har har har. he he he. ha ha ha.

  13. I'm going for understanding of the opposite sex or twilight
