Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Sir Thomas More Rap

I was studying Sir Thomas More for my political science class and, after a couple hours of solid reading on Utopia, something just snapped. Words – lyrical phrases – flew through my head like wisdom from the mouth of Sally Field. I had an excruciating urge to express myself (don’t you hate it when you get those?), so I set aside my reading and picked up a pen. What follows is the Sir Thomas More Rap...

Sir Thomas More you are
The High Chancellor
Second best man in all of the kingdom
Givin’ the king some of your wisdom
Livin’ the highlife
Takin’ no strife

King Henry the eight
Made a big mistake
He tried to divorce
His wife, so coarse
He asked the Pope
The pope said ‘nope’
Leaving poor Henry without much hope

Sir Thomas More you are
The High Chancellor
Second best man in all of the kingdom
Givin’ the king some of your wisdom
Livin’ the highlife
Takin’ no strife

But the king is bright
He sets his sight
On a new religion
That sets no restriction
On the king
And anything
He wants to do

But More says no
And it’s not for show
More really feels the Pope is right
More wants the King to do what’s right
What More knows is right
What he knows is right
What we know is right

Sir Thomas More you are
The High Chancellor
Second best man in all of the kingdom
Givin’ the king some of your wisdom
Livin’ the highlife
Takin’ no strife

The king gets mad and says “off with his head!”
The head goes off and nothing is said
The wife is divorced
It's all very coarse
And Henry marries his new wife
And they spend the rest of their life
Tryin’ to forget
What More had said
What More knows is right
What he knows is right
What we know is right

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