Wednesday, January 03, 2007

The road was so long...

Made with the loving assistance of several FCN readers.

The other day my family and I went on a day long road trip to southern California. If any of you have ever been to the southern part of the state, you know that interstate five is a long highway. That road is long. It was so long that...

...Donald Trump carpooled with Rosie O'Donnell.

...The hybrid used an entire tank of gas.

...Willie Nelson wanted to know if we were there yet.

...My back fused at a 90 degree angle.

...I gained three pounds.

...John Edwards got tired of smiling.

...We went through two spare tires and a hitchhiker.

...Chevron-Texaco gave us an award for Outstanding Company Service.

...Exxon-Mobile gave us a coupon for a dollar off our next purchase of $1,000 or more.

...Prince Abdul threw a party as oil prices rose 30 cents.

...President Bush invaded Iran.

...The remainder of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve was donated to Pam.

...The armadillos joined the anti-global warming campaign.

...The state prison litter removal workers were employed for an extra two weeks picking up our trash.

...They resigned.

...Everyone in the car was common-law married.


  1. LOL! That was pretty funny!

  2. How true, how true. Made me smile. And, the trip is almost the perfect length to memorize a speech. :)
