Friday, January 05, 2007

We passed...

Made with the loving assistance of several FCN readers.

On the long road trip my family and I took the other day (between northern and southern Cali), we had the opportunity to pass all sorts of fun things. We passed...

...A farmer, his chickens, his tractor and his illegal immigrant.

...Harry Reid, coming back from safari.

...Ewan Mcgregor. Yuck.

...A genocide in progress. At least we think it was a genocide; it may have just been Lindsay Lohan driving to work.

...A nuclear reactor. At least we think it was a nuclear reactor; it may have just been DNC headquarters.

...Thousands of “endangered” species, all alive and well, thank you.

...A tractor-disc rig doing doughnuts in an open field. Either the farmer was celebrating his subsidy check or he was trying to bug his neighbor.

...A lot of real American industry and a little American frivolity.

...A couch, some lawn furniture and a bundle of coiled springs and moist faded fabric that vaguely resembled a mattress.

...Adam Sandler as he was getting a traffic citation.

...A pink Ford F-150 that was towing a manly trailer rig.

...The day two days before the day after the day three days after the day before Tuesday (which is, of course, Wednesday).

...The same redneck five times.


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