Thursday, June 07, 2007


Yes, even a passel of derelict students – especially a passel of derelict students – need to take some time off now and then to rewind the clock and unwind. Well, okay. Mabe just unwind. Actually, I never really understood those two idioms. Anyway, the entire FCN staff is taking two weeks of uninterrupted vacation time. Beginning today and continuing until the 25th of June (a Monday, if my little calenderfolio isn't playing another practical joke on me), there will be no new FCN content.

We will be lounging around a pool catching an early Melanoma demise and will be completely unplugged from any kind of computer equipment. Travis has even promised to turn off the microchip in the back of his left eye that uses electrical impulses from his cerebral cortex to aim his first-person shooter weapons. Anyway, you can email us and get our snazzy vacation auto-reply or you can comment and reach us that way, but unless Nancy Pelosi declares her Presidential candidacy or Paris Hilton gets out of prison, we won't come out early to blog.

I know, these will be dark days. Probably darker for us than you, but dark nonetheless. We will think regularly of you, the Faithful FCN Few and will write a few tomes now and again about our adventures – because adventures we will have. We might even post them...after we return.

To help pass the time between now and the 25th, please pick out your favorite post from FCN's history. We'll be doing a Classics special a few weeks after our return and we want to know which posts you liked the most. Simply tell us in the comment section of this post which is your entry is your fav. If you want to dig out the link, we'd be appreciative, but we think we know our own writing well enough to find it with a few descriptive adjectives. Yeah, better provide the link.

(As a small ego aside, try to pick my posts. I haven't talked with the other writers about this - and I'd appreciate it if you didn't pass it along - but it would really help my self esteem to know that you all approve my writing, even if the competition is what it is. I've been having kind of a rough week. If you could just give me a little boost that would really be sweet of you. But I never said that.)

Thanks guys, as always, for reading and commenting on our site. I really don't know why you keep reading; but you do. Your loss.

(As another small aside that I haven't consulted with the other guys on, this short vacation would be a great opportunity to leave FCN behind. If you're having trouble quitting - those DailyKos patches are ineffective and cold turkey left you with the shakes - take the time to quit this time. Flee like you're running from a DEA record narcotics stash and never come back (wait, was that a drug related joke?). Again, this is just between us, but I really feel not returning on the 25th is a wise course of action. Think about, will you?)

See you in a couple weeks!


  1. Hey, guys, Paris is out.
    Have a great vacation.

  2. Did you need a house sitter? I would be HAPPY to oblige...

  3. awwwwww are you guys really going to do that? I will miss FCN...

  4. Yeah, Paris is out, we need coverage...of the issue, of course ;-)


    Though I don't know if that is old enough to be counted historical..

  6. I vote the 'homies' series as my fav. Cuh-lassic.

    See you on your 'vaca' ;)

  7. I vote for "Skiing with Fiends" (January 13). That one was hilarious!

    Also, I really liked the "It Was So...windy, cold, etc." series.

  8. "Extract of Curiosity" is my personal fave.

  9. ahhh theres to many to choose from!!!!! ok i vote for the "Homies series"....

  10. don't turn off Travis' cerebral cortex. the government needs that!

  11. I liked "cofessions of a coke addict" the best (sometime in feb.)

  12. does the FCN staff ever read the comments?

  13. wwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaa NO new FCN content!? ::sobs histericly::

  14. paris might have to go back to jail! I personally think she needs to. I liked the "she has a crush on you" series. is that a series?
    and "desperate student"

  15. I loved The day I ate a whole mess of Taquito's..
    That one was rich! *hehe

  16. She's back in now, so I guess you're off the hook.

  17. Refresh, refresh, refresh...

  18. I liked the Desperate Student ones, but I totally howled over all your debate-related ones....

  19. Envoy Forest!!! Absolutely a must!!! Muhahahahaha...Well, credit where credit is due, hey Oyigirl?

  20. I didn’t think you were serious. We’re dying here! My refresh button broke after the first week and I had to resort to pushing Ctrl-F5.

    With nothing else to do, I read through all the old posts and determined that my favorite is still Gazing at a Piece of Meat. I love C.S. Lewis.

  21. There are so many good ones to choose from! But I'd have to say I liked "Straight Chatting with John McCaine I also like the interview with Kim Jong Il.

  22. So, now that you're home, when are you going to post???

    It had BETTER be soon.

    PS Glad you're back safe and CONGRATULATIONS, Daniel!!!

  23. thou shalt start posting soon!!!

  24. I <3'ed "new years resolutions"
    funniest thing eva!(almost) :P
