Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Oops! We did it again.

If you've read FCN for very long, you already know that we're shameless liars, and probably have at least a sneaking suspicion that we're blooming morons. What you may not have noticed is that we're traitorous turncoats. We're indecisive. We have no follow through. We're windbags. Let me explain.

A few months ago, we vowed to take to the straight and narrow. And then we started right back up again in our irresponsible ways. In a recent post which supposedly lauded the magical awesomeness of Coca-Cola, we deviously snuck in the following line:
Coke, glorious Coke!
Don't care what it looks like --
Too foamy!
Mommy G was quick to notice that Coca-Cola is not to be smoked, and, in her unique way, guided us back toward the path to righteousness.

We try to be a humor blog. We like to think we're pretty funny every now and then. But drugs are no laughing matter. Drugs do terrible things to you, like slaughtering your grammar which one of reasons we quit in the first place? There are plenty of other things to poke fun at - instructors, each other, American politics, the weather, your hair. There's no excuse to start goofing off on such a serious issue. Drug jokes interfere with the public dialogue surrounding an issue of grave import to everyone. There are some topics that are just plain out of bounds.

We, the FCN team, would like to use our last vestiges of credibility to say that we know we messed up and we beg moral relief. Our behavior was irresponsible and inexcusable. We don't ask you to forgive and forget, only to cut us some slack and realize that we all make mistakes every now and then. We'll do our level best to never, ever, ever let it happen in the future.

EDIT: This is another fellow contributor. An issue came up in the last FCN staff meeting that could stand to be announced here. FCN just keeps falling off the wagon. We're like bad dieters. The longer we stay on board, the harder we fall. Perhaps this whole Funny Class Notes thing wasn't meant to be. In the interest of public safety, maybe it's better that there be no FCN. Your thoughts on this issue will be read in the next staff meeting for a good laugh. Thanks.


  1. Don't leave! Last time you tried to do that you caused mass histeria.

  2. Please, please, please spare us. Either you stay and cause the words to implode, or you leave and cause the world to explode. Good luck!

  3. Er...I meant the WORLD to implode. See what you're doing?

  4. Nothing like a drawer full of wooden spoons and spatulas to keep one on the straight and narrow ;)

  5. I think it was your showing them your collection mommy G that brought them back

  6. Perhaps this whole Funny Class Notes thing wasn't meant to be. In the interest of public safety, maybe it's better that there be no FCN.
    Yes, perhaps it wasn't meant to be. Perhaps, however, you were put on earth (and on the internet) so we could all learn from your mistakes. Just think how many life lessons we have all learned from your stories, that now, we will never have to learn ourselves! Kudos, FCN. :D

  7. Perhaps this whole Funny Class Notes thing wasn't meant to be. In the interest of public safety, maybe it's better that there be no FCN.

    As long as Mummy G sticks around to keep you on your toes, you'll be fine. If she abandons you however, you'll be in trouble.

  8. * Misses the N *

    So when do Funny Class instructions begin? And, aren't we losing the Class today also? What will the Funny do by himself?

    * Sincerely hopes Funny's plan includes some more Classics *
