Th* c*nt*nt *f th*s p*st h*s b**n c*ns*r*d. Th* s*bj*ct m*tt*r *s n*t *n*ppr*pr**t*, n*r d* w* th*nk *t *s l*k*ly t* *ff*nd; w* j*st c*ns*r*d f*r th* h*ck *f *t. *f y** *r* th*nk*ng *b**t try*ng t* *nt*rpr*t th*s *r m*k* *t l*g*bl*, pl**s* th*nk *g**n.
W* *bv***sly d*n’t w*nt y** t* b* r**d*ng *t, s* why *r* y** *xp*nd*ng th* *ff*rt?
S*r***sly, w* c**ld h*v* m*d* th*s c*mpl*t*ly r**d*bl* *nd r*m*v*d *ll th* *st*r*x*s, b*t w* d*dn’t. S* g* t* th* n*xt p*st d*wn *r w**t f*r t*m*rr*w f*r *nc*ns*r*d c*nt*nt.
Man kind has an innate curiosity about them,at least that is why I am "expanding the effort". :) pretty good...
Interestingly, that wasn't really that hard to read.
S*m*t*m*s c*ns*r*d p*sts *r* m*r* f*n. *sp*c**lly *f *t's c*nt*n**d *n th* c*mm*nts.
K**rstyn ;)
I'M CONFUSED!!!!!!!!!!!!! My head is spinning. I need some toast, maybe with mustard...
It was past my level of curiosity.
Curiosity killed the Cat, and today, curiosity killed my brain...
Funny, when you stand about three feet away from your computer screen and take off your glasses, you can read it quite easily!
Man, someone give me a migraine pill, PLEASE!!!! I'd really like to know what that means. AND what the commments meant.
Ah, but satisfaction brought that cat back...
Then why didn't it bring back my brain?????
that was ssoooooo easy to read!!
I could totally read that.
And I'll post the *nc*ns*r*d v*rs**n *n m* bl*g. L*L
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