What does the world cost? Oh well, then we'll just take a small coke.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

2nd Do It Yourself Post

FCN is __________.


extempore88 said...

FCN is pretty tacky.

Anonymous said...

fcn is bizarreness masquerading as creativity.

Anonymous said...

fcn is fishing for compliments.

ScribblinScribe said...

FCN is heart-broken, then. ;)

Anonymous said...

FCN is wrong. There's no "pretty" about it :).

Anonymous said...

FCN is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get next.

Anonymous said...

fcn is a bunch of homeschoolers who need to get a life...and then write a blog about it.

Anonymous said...

FCN is what it eats.

Anonymous said...

FCN has issues... so they write about them.

Savannah Lauren said...

fcn is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

Anonymous said...

FCN is not the best

Elisabeth said...

FCN is the funniest thing since sliced bread. :o)