What does the world cost? Oh well, then we'll just take a small coke.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Life Tip #96

Don't lie to the person helping you exchange a ten for change.

If you are going to lie to the person giving you change for a ten, don't steal the cash register when he doesn't help you quick enough.

If you are going to lie and steal the cash register from the person giving you change for a ten, come up with a better escape plan than running on foot down the street.


Tim said...

If you are going to lie and steal the cash register from the person giving you change for a ten you don't have and can't come up with a better escape plan than running on foot down the street, don't do it after stealing lottery tickets from a nearby convenience store that had a surveillance camera.

Especially, don't run past the convenience store.

Anonymous said...

If you are going to steal ANYTHING - steal a brain first!